Our Discussion Forum - Freedom of Speech and Censorship.

Rachel and I have been the first to lead the Discussion Forum for this project. The subject we were given is Freedom of Speech & Censorship. A subject that I believe can withhold a wealth of discussion as it involves alternate things. The discussion forum itself I believe went really well, with nearly an hour long discussion transpiring from the points that we made which I believe is a successful outcome.
Dictionary Definitions:
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.

Free Speech is the right to speak without censorship or restraint by the government. Freedom of speech is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

After having looked at the definitions we subjectively underwent research relevant to the subject given that we personally believed would spur on further discussion in the forum. We thoroughly went through the following points to spur conversation successfully about what freedom of speech and censorship means to our peers. Here are the points we produced:

  • Freedom of Speech comparatively- we came across a story where there were protestors belonging to the Westboro Baptist Church in America, where they openly insulted homosexuals and other persons rather crudely in public, where they weren't punished, whereas we compared this incident to one back in the UK, where a man got arrested simply for swearing. We applied the idea that Freedom of Speech is punished in some ways if abused, but in alternate degrees in differing countries.
  • Freedom of Speech at home- the fact that we can speak freely at home without being arrested, judged etc. Whereas there is a completely diffe
    rent impact when you're in public, considering laws etc.
  • Censorship in Art and Design- using the recent Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris as an example to this, we encouraged the group to discuss the subject of freedom of speech through art, whether they think it should be controlled, and if so, how?
  • Censorship of self- we discussed the fact that although we have no laws against such things as tattoos and piercings, such things we use as censorships for self, such as people consider where to get a tattoo in relation to employment, having them where they can hide them etc. How does this effect your own appearance within freedom of speech?

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