Narrative Brief

After having been given the task, I decided over reading week to travel to a local park, where I knew would be a good setting for some characteristic shots. Along with my sister, for staged shots, I travelled to the park. My thoughts were:

  • I wanted something mysterious, an echo of an event perhaps, that could be interpreted in different ways. I wanted the staged shots to look natural, and almost like I'd caught the subject off guard in an odd situation.
  • I also wanted to experiment with the idea that the subject doesn't necessarily have to include a person in order to tell a story, certain objects out of place or seeming mysterious themselves tell a story that is alternate to each person- this is also where I believed this park would be useful in ensuring that there was a mystery of what we could find near the lake.

"Lost thought, lost mind" - She gazes out towards the trees on the bench that is saturated with memories, the view is not the same as she sits alone, waiting for the past to come back. This set shot was to produce an aspect of mystery, , asking my sister to genuinely daze into the distance whilst I shot this from a higher angle, produced the effect that she is unaware that this photo is being taken. "A ripple that no one saw" - A reaction with no clear cause, and no clear consequence, what made such a movement, and where is it now? This photo I shot to challenge the narrative without using a subject of a person which usually would be present throughout, I think the fact that there is no other life in the shot suggests an ominous cause of the ripple. "The shoe that waited" Who does the shoe belong to? Why is it there? I liked the idea of further challenging the lack of subject in the photo, using the shoe as a personified story in itself, interpreted in different ways. There is a trail of a person, but none in the shot.

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