Steven Swanborough

Steve came to visit us as a stepping stone to see what work he produces, as well as where we're up to with our projects and some feedback he could give to us. I found that this talk was one of the most rewarding as he seemed most down to earth and willing to help us, as well as understanding to the fact that it is hard as a student to begin in the industry, and he gave us advice on how to approach work after graduation which was helpful. 
He also spoke about having to make your showreel and portfolio stand out, and how he used to go the extra mile to make sure that studios would actually see him, delivering his portfolios etc.
It was interesting how his production process is quite similar to the way we approach a project in the way that he had to pitch some general ideas to the client to begin with etc.

Olympics Project 
Although he discussed a few projects he had undertaken, I found his work with the BBC Sports branding for the Olympics 2016 most inspiring. I liked how he discussed his thought processes with this project, and discussed the restrictions that the BBC had on certain design approaches in terms of their logos. 
He said how although there were restrictions on where he put the design etc. he knew that he had to have the freedom of doing what he wanted first to get it out of the way. I found that this was an interesting way of approaching things, and it overall helped him to undergo the projects.

Project Feedback
As an exploration of my own work, Steve gave some feedback that I found to be really helpful overall. 
Current project feedback - He loved the way in which I had displayed my initial ideas, and how I'd collected some research with the survey etc. he also liked the aesthetic and the strong theme behind it, however he mentioned I needed to develop more into the colour theory side of things which I knew I should delve into. Making sure my characters having been stylised, will still reflect the mood that I want. (Blue skin and hair looked a bit too sad and depressing- perhaps warmer colours rather than having the cooler ones) 
Memory Book Project Feedback- He loved the depth of field and the overall idea behind it and theme, but said that perhaps the soundscape could be developed further to show more emotion as it is an emotional piece, and to maybe add some movement into the images.

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