Collage Animation Idea

After having collected my audio files, one that particularly moved me was the audio clip of my Mum discussing her father's death when she was only 22. Although I may not use this precise audio, it gave me a lot of visual ideas and explorations that I could go into, due to it being memory, and it being something nostalgic and painful, a visual idea I'd love to explore is the aspect of collage in animation, something I have never tried before.
 In addition, I'd like to experiment with different combinations of collage, be it stop motion alone or stop motion combined with digital elements added afterwards or overlaying the clip.
Old books with illustrations are an initial idea in response to collage animations, so I have visited a charity shop and bought a selection of old books to cut into and find inspiration and whether to explore the media further. I could also play with this idea, such as make the story be applied to a different generation, such as a modern story be applied to old photographs, adding a twist that maybe would supply some humour. As a creative starting point for this media, I have started to produce some visual collages in my sketchbook to try to develop a static first response to the audio, alike to what we did for the 'Tiger, Tiger burning bright' quote.

In Addition to collecting some materials for collage, I have also looked into some existing animations on Vimeo as some secondary Research to explore how others have tackled this media.
Brain Lapse from Jake Fried on Vimeo.
Although I can see that this media used in such a format would be extremely time consuming, I love the effect that is produced. Jake Fried, the designer and animator of this piece 'Brain Lapse' has used combined media elements of coffee, collage, ink and water, which successfully adds to a beautiful animation.

Air Review - Young. from MiraRuido on Vimeo.
I've also looked into the collage aspect in a different technique, here using old photographs edited on Photoshop and applied to After Effects, this animator has pieced together a music video that a band commissioned. The running boy which is a photo animation on loop, travels through alternate worlds with collage backgrounds and some with running film.

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