Visual Response From Audio

"I was 22, it was November, I took a day off work, thinking nothing about it, until I got that phone call, first thing in the morning, from the hospital, your Dad's died. The world seemed to end, how was I going to tell my Mum? It was my brother's 21st birthday the day after, and I'd just got engaged. Time heals they say- it doesn't. the pain just gets number, yesterday I remembered how bad it had been. A white cyclamen reminds me of my Dad"

This was one of the first recordings I did and an audio I thought I may want to develop further, so I began making collages to show the audio in a visual respect. In order to visually respond to this audio I chose the aspect of using old collage illustrations from old books I collected, within these books I found a book on World War I & II which inspired me more, and realised my family have connections to such an era. When talking to my family about the war, my Mum started telling me about my Great Grandfather, who was a pilot in the RAF for World War II who flew a Wellington Bomber Plane. Collecting such books gave the inspiration for my Mum to retell one of his stories, which I recorded. Although I have produced some visual content for the first audio, it has inspired me further for this audio that I am really inspired by. 

"My Grandad told me this true story that happened to him while he was a pilot in the RAF during World War II, one of his colleagues had been shot down in a Spitfire, and they'd conducted a funeral service and were asked if they would go and fly over the sea in the Wellington Bomber and drop his ashes over the sea. This they dually did, and at 2 thousand feet they decided to drop the ashes, they'd already decided that they needed to put this through the camera chute as it was safer than dropping it through the hole in the floor, so, a guy went to drop the ashes, my Grandad carried on flying, and then turned round and was horrified to see this same guy come back covered in white powder. He said to him: "The Lid Fell Off"

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