Off The Record by Laura Sans

Off the Record is a documentary compiled by Laura Sans as a collection of designers across the creative industry and the world separated into chapters, talking about their work and how they think design is reflected in trends, distinctive styles and technologies. I think what is also interesting is how different teams worked for design, the film showed the contrast between smaller design companies with only a few designers collaborating with perhaps more similar styles, to bigger corporations who collaborate with bigger brands and seem to have a variety of styles and designers working for them, I found it interesting to hear their stories.
 There was a vast amount of designers featured in this film but I have noted down and researched some that really stood out to me.

Joshua Davis Studios- Joshua Davis
On his website, Joshua Davis is described as an 'American Designer, Technologist, Author and Artist in New Media.' he codes his own software and mostly works with Musicians and Festival events for visual installations normally shown above stage or against backdrops.

Joshua Davis was featured in the film, he spoke about trends in a way that I personally agree with and favoured, he said that he designs what he wants to design, yes he caters clients but he doesn't follow a trend, he follows his own trends. He spoke about his own alterations of style, how he used to draw only floral work, and used to obsess over floral designs and natural organisms represented in his work, and how he then got bored of such a style on moved onto more geometric styled themes.
I found on his website a lot of his work is now installation work for work with musical collaborations such as in arenas, and stadiums as well as clubs to go in synchronisation with the music played. I think this piece "Triangles" that Davis has produced successfully works with the music and fits what the client would be looking for in a music industry, which is something bright, flashy and on trend, and yet retains Davis' original style.
Davis spoke on the film about how he likes the visuals to seem like they belong with the music, and works closely with the musicians to ensure that the requirements for the music are successfully retained within the pieces.

Vasava Studio
Vasava is a design studio based in Spain who prides themselves of being unique. With a variety of different designers, their work is very broad ranged and in some ways exciting because of this. On their website they're described in a lighthearted and exciting way.
"When you visit them it feels more like a kitchen; a joyous and slightly anarchic space where a disparate group of talents cook up multifaceted creations"

Subtitled in Spanish translated to English, the designers you could tell were very excited and passionate about their work, they also discussed the aspect of trends relating to their work and they say although it seems they go with the flow dependant on the client, they try to still stand out in order to succeed and love what they're doing with their work. 

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